Friday, July 3, 2020
Dear Parent/Guardian:
You may have heard that the Ministry of Education has released three possible scenarios for when schools re-open. Please be advised that we are considering what this may mean for TCDSB schools and will ensure compliance with the Ministry of Education and Toronto Public Health’s direction. Parents/guardians will be provided with further information once available.
In the interim, we encourage families to follow @TCDSB twitter throughout the summer, and to visit our website for all the latest updates and information:
View the latest updates including communications to parents, Covid-19 and other critical information and developments.
Access distance learning resources to help keep students learning and engaged during school closures.
Find answers to questions about distance learning, school closures, access to technology and much more.
TCDSB Communications
Dear Parent/Guardian:
You may have heard that the Ministry of Education has released three possible scenarios for when schools re-open. Please be advised that we are considering what this may mean for TCDSB schools and will ensure compliance with the Ministry of Education and Toronto Public Health’s direction. Parents/guardians will be provided with further information once available.
In the interim, we encourage families to follow @TCDSB twitter throughout the summer, and to visit our website for all the latest updates and information:
View the latest updates including communications to parents, Covid-19 and other critical information and developments.
Access distance learning resources to help keep students learning and engaged during school closures.
Find answers to questions about distance learning, school closures, access to technology and much more.
TCDSB Communications