April 26, 2021
Dear St. John parents and guardians
"How to talk to your kids about race."
A virtual open forum with concerned parents and teachers about anti-racism in a Christian context, the new realities of the post-George Floyd dynamic, and advice to help guide our youth through a time of social upheaval. This presentation will be more of a conversation than a presentation, and parents will have the opportunity to engage and participate and, hopefully, bring the conversation back to the dinner table.
This parent event will be preceded by a workshop with Greg, for Grade 6, 7 and 8 students.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm on Zoom (link to follow).
We are blessed to have Greg Frankson (OCT, B.Ed.) talking with us. Greg is a Toronto-based poet, author, educator and community activist, who has worked in the public, private and third sectors as a diversity, anti-discrimination and anti-racism facilitator and consultant.
In the comfort of your own home! Zoom link to follow.
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This parent talk was made possible with funds from Pro Grant, CPIC and CSPC. Thank you!
Dear St. John parents and guardians
"How to talk to your kids about race."
A virtual open forum with concerned parents and teachers about anti-racism in a Christian context, the new realities of the post-George Floyd dynamic, and advice to help guide our youth through a time of social upheaval. This presentation will be more of a conversation than a presentation, and parents will have the opportunity to engage and participate and, hopefully, bring the conversation back to the dinner table.
This parent event will be preceded by a workshop with Greg, for Grade 6, 7 and 8 students.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm on Zoom (link to follow).
We are blessed to have Greg Frankson (OCT, B.Ed.) talking with us. Greg is a Toronto-based poet, author, educator and community activist, who has worked in the public, private and third sectors as a diversity, anti-discrimination and anti-racism facilitator and consultant.
In the comfort of your own home! Zoom link to follow.
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This parent talk was made possible with funds from Pro Grant, CPIC and CSPC. Thank you!